"A Christ-Focused Church On A Defined Mission"

Infected and Inflamed – Thought for the Week

As we go through life, we sometimes become infected and inflamed by certain unhealthy attitudes, contagious sins, and harmful habits.  With our exposure to spiritual contamination, we easily give in to depression, anger, anxiety, discouragement, bitterness and so forth.   It’s beneficial to have friends around to encourage us and sometimes even professional help. Therefore, the…


Counted Righteous – Thought for the Week

Abraham was counted righteous because he believed God. He went out not knowing where he was going but completely and unquestionably trusted God. He took God at His word. My brothers and sisters this teaches us that we can learn from Abraham to not question God when He has given us instructions but to trust…


Facing Challenges – Thought for the Week

Many healthcare providers and supporting staff are facing challenges. They have never experienced these challenges before in their career while dealing with the Coronavirus (COVID-19).  They are being forced to work in unsafe conditions. Due to the lack of protective equipment, training, and shortages of personnel.  Let’s remember them in our daily prayers this week.…