The online PBC Store has the 100th Centennial Book for Pilgrim Baptist Church. The Centennial Book displays the celebration of the 100th Church Anniversary. The book highlights the first 100 years of the church. The 2017 church theme is “Reflecting The Past, Defining The Present & Envisioning The Future”. The theme assisted PBC in reliving the best moments. Certainly, the best moments were reflected during the prayer service, worship service, and the gala. This 135 page, full color commemorative book is available to purchase now. A collection of various pieces includes historical information reflecting the many families. Also, it includes friends, ministries, leaders, events, businesses, and organizations affiliated with Pilgrim in the past and present. The pictures. logos, and other images tell a story beyond the church building walls with a connection to God and to the community.
You can come by the Pilgrim Baptist Church’s office at 2501 Hamilton Street, Omaha, Nebraska to buy your copy. Thereafter, please contact the church office at (402) 341-6270 to purchase the book onsite or by phone. This is a “must-have” book or a perfect gift for members, former members, friends, and history collectors. Each copy is $25.00 plus shipping and handling. You can purchase the book online, onsite, or by phone with a debit card or credit card. Thus, visit the About Us to learn more about Our History. After that, you can also visit our facebook page.
Celebrating 100 Years
Pilgrim Baptist Church Centennial Book
“Reflecting The Past, Defining The Present & Envisioning The Future”
Available format: Hardcover