"A Christ-Focused Church On A Defined Mission"


Review our list of ministries to find a ministry just for you to serve within our family and as a light in our community.  Use your chosen gift, skills, passion, and talent to find your place in the ministry which is a perfect fit to your purpose to become involved to strengthen your faith in the church and share the good news in the community.

Altar Guild Ministry

The Altar Guild Ministry seeks to enhance our worship experience through preparation and adorning the Altar appropriately in the sanctuary and in the fellowship hall for the Christian calendar and special events.

Audio/Media Ministry

The Audio/Media Ministry assists the Pastor and provides support to the church ministries activities to lead individuals effectively into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through the use of technology and media as a worship and outreach resource tool.

Bible Study Ministry

The Bible Study Ministry provides Bible study and fellowship for senior and retired members but welcomes the participation of all ages as well.  These study sessions provide opportunities for discussion and for learning about God’s word and its daily operation. 

Brotherhood Ministry

The Brotherhood Ministry strives to organize, assist, and lead men of the church to grow spiritually by strengthening their personal relationship with God to become spiritual leaders and provide an outreach to men in the community through bible study, worship, prayer, and fellowship.

Children Ministry

The Children Ministry is responsible for ministering to ages 0 to 12 appropriate spiritual, teaching from God’s word, educational and social activities to aid in the growth of children that promote fun, fellowship, spiritual development, and ministry involvement among children.  The fourth Sunday of each month the Children/Youth Ministries are in charge of the worship service.

Christian Education Ministry

The Christian Education Ministry develops and interprets the church educational goals and objectives by providing comprehensive and inclusive spiritual and biblically sound teaching by identifying curriculum for the church Christian education for all ages.  The ministries of Christian Education (e.g. Sunday School, Children/Youth Bible Study, Wednesday Mid-Week Services/Bible Study, Leadership Conference, Vacation Bible School, National and State Baptist Congress of Christian Education classes, Annual Religious Institute/Annual Church Revival, etc.) work together to strengthen the church family and the surrounding community by encouraging others to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through Bible study and prayer.

Culinary Ministry

The Culinary Ministry is responsible for planning, coordinating, and preparing all menu meals served for various church functions.

Deacons Ministry

The Deacons Ministry assists the Pastor in proclaiming the gospel; providing care for the pastor, church members, and the community; building and maintaining church fellowship; and providing Christian leadership to help the church attain its spiritual mission.

Deaconess Ministry

The Deaconess Ministry assist the Pastor by working with the Deacons in ministering to the needs of the overall congregation – specifically to women, children, elderly, and those in distress with loving kindness and sympathy.

Drama Ministry

The Drama Ministry utilizes voice expressions to glorify God through drama while demonstrating spirituality.

Evangelism Ministry

The Evangelism Ministry provides education and evangelism training by sharing information about Jesus Christ to evangelize to individuals in the community and around the world.

Finance Ministry

The Finance Ministry is responsible for receiving, counting, recording, and depositing all Sunday services and other special services funds into the designated financial institution of choice by the church.

Golden Links Ministry

The Golden Links Ministry involves and ministering to ages 55 plus with social outings, tours, health and wellness, fellowship, bible study classes, spiritual and financial empowerment.

Greeters Ministry

The Greeters Ministry provides a warm and inviting environment during service by welcoming visitors and current members who attends various worship services and events.

Health and Wellness Ministry

The Health and Wellness Ministry takes a proactive role in educating our church family on diseases, nutrition, prevention and all aspects of a healthy lifestyle.  The goal is to help everyone take care of their bodies so they can be of maximum service to the Lord.  The ministry shares health tips, offers fitness classes, encourages exercises, and offers blood pressure check clinics. 

Liturgical Dance Ministry

The Liturgical Dance Ministry utilizes dance expressions to glorify God through the art of dancing with grace while demonstrating style and spirituality.

Married Couples Ministry

The Married Couples Ministry provides the couples with spiritual enlightenment, tools to improve, sustain, and manage their marriage.

Dorcas Mission Ministry

The Dorcas Mission Ministry seeks to build up and encourage all women, nurturing and sustaining their social, emotional, and spiritual growth through an annual retreat, so they may serve by living God’s word, experiencing His fullness in their lives, the membership, and the community.

Making Money Work Ministry (M.M.W.)

The Making Money Work Ministry organizes educational and financial literacy events to empower and improve the wellness of individuals and the church.

Motivational Task Force Ministry (M.T.F.)

The Motivational Task Force Ministry is the evangelistic thrust of the church involving all ministries and the membership to assist the Pastor in checking on the membership at home through visits, phone calls and/or by mail, cards, email, and text.  The ministry provides guidance towards the cooperation and enhancement of evangelistic efforts to go out beyond the walls of the church to share the Gospel so that souls may be saved and lead the lost to Christ.

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry is responsible for providing the total administration of Praise and Worship in all worship settings, funerals, and other special events.  (Youth Choir, Male Chorus, Mass Choir)

Outreach Ministry

The Outreach Ministry is responsible for organizing and providing church mission and vision driven activities and programs to interact within and throughout our community and city.

PAL’s Ministry

The PAL’s Ministry is responsible for providing hospitality support to the senior pastor and guest ministers.

Prayer Ministry

The Prayer Ministry is focused on organizing and engaging in prayer, educating individuals about prayer, and helping them grow deeper in their own personal prayer lives.

Prison Ministry

The Prison Ministry is focused on helping inmates through a continuum of discipleship that begins on the inside and continues to a successful transition back into society as a faithful servant of Christ and productive citizen.  This ministry travels to the prison on the first Sunday of each month.

Recreation Ministry

The Recreation Ministry is responsible for developing ideas and coordinating events and activities for all age groups.  Its primary purpose is to use fun while fellowshipping with members of the congregation, the church community, and the greater Omaha community while connecting the church to individuals and families in order to provide a foundational preparation for the love of Jesus Christ.

Singles Ministry

The Singles Ministry provides single male and female Christians who have never been married, widows/widowers, and divorcees the opportunity to fellowship together.  Activities include social gatherings, workshops focusing on spiritual development and strengthening their relationship with God, spiritual enlightenment, tools to improve, sustain, and manage their lives by empowering them through education in finance, and engaging in prayer.

Scholarship Ministry

The Scholarship Ministry provides financial support and opportunities to graduating high school seniors desiring to further their academic development by attending an institution of higher learning.

Sunday School Ministry

The Sunday School Ministry provides the opportunity to draw all ages to the knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ, through the study of God’s word through a church school program.

Transportation Ministry

The Transportation Ministry is responsible for providing transportation assistance to and from church-related worship services, church-sponsored activities, and special events.

Trustee Ministry

The Trustee Ministry is responsible for the overall administration of the church affairs and physical/general assets to include but not limited to all financial matters, church planning, church clean-up, church upkeep to include structures owned and operated by the church, church operations, financial oversight of church auxiliary functions, membership business affairs, and overall support and implementation of the mission of the church.

Tutoring Ministry

The Tutoring Ministry is responsible for coordinating academic tutoring assistance for youth in grades 1-12 and young adults in college.  The ministry seeks to provide workshops for ACT preparation and college preparation in essay writing to apply for scholarships.  The students will be taught God’s Holy Word through bible study during the session to develop Christian values and morals.

Ushers/Nurses Ministry

The Ushers/Nurses Ministry regularly participates in worship services and assists with literature distribution; welcoming, directing and seating guests and others as needed; and collecting offerings.  They also render first aid as needed during church services, activities, and events.

Women of Faith

The Women of Faith is responsible for ministering to the ages of 25-55 appropriate spiritual, physical and emotional needs, educational, and social activities that aid in the growth of young adult women that promote fun, fellowship, spiritual development through health and wellness seminars and workshops to address special needs to younger women, and ministry involvement with the children/youth.

Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry is responsible for ministering to ages 13 to 18 appropriate spiritual, teachings from God’s word, educational, and social activities that aid in the growth of youth that promote fun, fellowship, spiritual development, and ministry involvement among youth.  The fourth Sunday of each month the Children/Youth Ministries are in charge of the worship service.

Young Adult Ministry

The Young Adult Ministry is responsible for ministering to the ages of 19 to 35 to the cultivation of a Christ-centered environment for the spiritual growth and development of young adult disciples.