PBC 21st Pastoral Anniversary 03/23/2025PBC 21st Pastoral Anniversary 03/23/2025
Posted by Pilgrim Baptist Church, Omaha on Sunday, March 23, 2025
We are not currently live. Try refreshing this page on Sunday at 9:00 am.
Live is the Sunday Morning Worship Service shown online from the Pilgrim Baptist Church onsite service. Thank you for visiting and watching our online service via the website. If the video doesn’t appear below the banner words We Are Live, please refresh the page, if you visit prior to 9:00 AM. You will see the video when it goes live. We will have our Sunday morning Worship Service or a special service on this page. The onsite Sunday Morning Worship Service will be Live at 9:00 AM.
As a matter of fact, if we have a special service, we will share the time. For the most part, please visit the Sermons page to obtain the scripture information. Pilgrim Baptist Church is located in Omaha, Nebraska. Kindly, please be patient if there is a delayed start due to technology issues.
However, each week, we work diligently to make sure you have a worry-free worship experience. Thereafter, we are able to connect with the members, former members, friends, and the community on our website.
Therefore, consider having a Watch Party with your family and friends. Thus, be a blessing to someone, share our website link as an information resource tool.
The website will sync with our facebook page at the start of service. Hit the F5 key on your laptop or desktop computer to refresh your page if the page is blank. To immediately view the sermon archive, please visit the churches facebook page at www.facebook.com/pilgrimbc.org. Also, you can view it on the Pilgrim Baptist Church website, please visit www.pilgrimbc.org/sermons by date. Thereafter, select the sermon topic or details to view the video. Thank you for your patience and prayers as we try to make your online worship service experience effortless. The recorded service will be available on the Sermons page. In the event, we hope you will stay connected with us each week. It is our desire that you will be able to one day come to worship with PBC onsite.