"A Christ-Focused Church On A Defined Mission"
Martin Luther King Jr. 2022 I Have A Dream written words on white wood with a portion of the flag on the edge.

Martin Luther King Jr. Unity Service

Martin Luther King Jr. Unity Service is a one day event.  The 37th Annual Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance (IMA) Virtual MLK Jr. Unity Service is on Sunday, January 17, 2021.  Zion is located at 2215 Grant Street in Omaha, Nebraska.  Therefore, the time is at 6:00 PM.  The Martin Luther King Jr. Unity Service will feature the 2021 MLK Unity Ensemble under the direction of Minister Justin Payne.  Thus, the guest speaker is Rev. Dr. Marcus D. Cosby, Senior Pastor, Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, Houston, Texas.  Not to mention, due to COVID-19, there will be no Annual Luncheon.  The winner of the 2021 IMA/MLK Scholarship and the recipients of the 2021 IMA Action, Accountability, and Advocacy Awards will be announced during the service. 

The services for the weekend will commence with the MLK Teach-In hosted by Rev. Kenneth Allen on Saturday, January 16, 2021 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.  Please wear a mask and lunch will be provided for all attendees.  The event is at Zion Baptist Church.  As a matter of fact, to register, log on to the IMA facebook page at facebook.com/ima.omaha.ne. 

For more information contact Rev. Dr. Stan Rone at (402) 598-7025.  Rev. Alvin P. McCruel is the 2021 MLK Celebration Committee, Chairman and Rev. Portia A. Cavitt is the IMA President.