Heart Awareness – Wear Red Sunday is in the month of February. The date is three days before Valentine’s Day, Sunday, February 9, 2025. The service time is at 9:00 AM. What is a Heart attack? In recognition of this health initiative, Pilgrim Baptist Church will wear red. The key focus is dedicated to support early detection of heart disease through understanding the symptoms. However, we will celebrate heart survivors onsite in our congregation and online. Pilgrim will honor those who have lost their battle with a moment of silence. During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, we are prayerfully continuing to take measures to help keep our members and friends of Pilgrim safe. The sanctuary per the CDC guidelines will be setup for social distancing. Thus, the service will be in the sanctuary.
Therefore, it is a good idea to learn about the symptoms of the disease and how to help. As an advocate, encourage women and men to get an annual physical. As a result, a spouse, child, parent, sibling, friend, or co-worker may be diagnosed. PBC will disburse resourceful informative literature. Wear Red Sunday will identify and bring heart awareness to the church and community. PBC Show Your Strength!
To learn more about Pilgrim Baptist Church, please visit the About Us and view Our Mission Statement. You can also contact the church at (402) 341-6270.