October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. What is Breast Cancer Awareness – Wear Pink Sunday? Due to COVID-19, Pilgrim Baptist Church will show strength onsite and at home. In recognition of this health initiative, the church will wear the color of pink. The color of pink is for Breast Cancer Awareness – Wear Pink Sunday. The worship service is needed to support early detection of breast cancer. As a matter of fact, early detection of breast cancer through screenings for men and women. However, we will celebrate breast cancer survivors in our congregation and online. Pilgrim will honor those who have lost their battle with a moment of silence. The fourth Sunday in October is the designated date. Thus, the date is on Sunday, October 27, 2024.
As a result, PBC will disburse resourceful informative literature. For instance, one pamphlet is titled Cancer Facts for Women. There is a second pamphlet titled What you need to know about Mammograms? The pamphlets are from the American Cancer Society. Therefore, the pamphlets of literature are available while supplies last.
Above all, click here to learn about Breast Cancer in Men. For additional information click here on Breast Cancer in Women. Are you looking for a meeting to attend? My Sister’s Keeper has monthly meetings every third Tuesday. However, the time is at 5:30 pm. The current meeting location is virtual via Zoom. Not to mention, please contact My Sister’s Keeper for additional details. My Sister’s Keeper is the first and only support group for Black women (and Men) battling Breast Cancer in Omaha Nebraska. Visit My Sister’s Keeper website to learn more.
Join us Sunday. Pilgrim supports Breast Cancer awareness. PBC will take up a collection. The funds raised will go to a selected charity. The charity selected will assist, support, care for breast cancer patients, and their families too.